

That's one of my favorite questions. Quite possibly my favorite question of all time. Since I first learned this question as a young child, I would not be exaggerating if I say I've asked it several hundreds of thousands of times to just about everyone I've encountered. Sometimes I follow a why? with a why?....with a why?...and since I have little impulse control: repeat several more times. Over-analyzing isn't a deadly sin yet, right? (I like to keep track of how many deadly sins I can pull off in a single day just in case hell has big, fancy trophy for this).

Refocus: Asking "why?" is kind of my version of gambling. Placing a cheap, easy bet with one simple word. You never knows what will come out of that question. You might like it. Win! You might not. Lose! But you'll always learn something and still have money left to spend. Jackpot!


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